How to Find Truth
What is Truth?
Simple. Constant. Free from contradiction. All-embracing. Omni-present. Accessible to all.
All the above-mentioned attributes apply to it at all times.
Many people these days tell you either there is no truth, truth is almost impossible to find, or
there is only subjective truth.
But there IS objective, unwavering Truth.
First of all, Truth is WHAT IS.
Everything that came into existence, that is existing in our material world, is true.
Natural and universal law is truth.
Gravitation, for example, works perfectly at all times. It is not personal, not emotional, or subject to change.
It just is.
The Measuring Stick to Find TRUTH
Types of Information
Objective information:
needs no explanation
Such as:
objects, structures, functions, and means
natural laws
Will be learned because it is true.
Subjective information:
must be interpreted
needs explanation
needs proof
needs investigation
Such as:
gestures, actions, words, pictures
studies, experiments, assumptions, observations, hypothesis
books, religions, theological ideas, philosophy
Will only be learned or internalized if it is perceived as TRUTH.
We can only ingest information if we think it‘s true.
A lie can only be internalized if it is masked as truth. And that only works as long as the deceived person does not KNOW the TRUTH.
So ... when it comes to subjective information, how do we go about that?
Interpretation Methods of Truth
Objective Methods
Laws of nature such as cause and effect, physical laws, etc.
Laws of humans such as structure, function, physical and mental needs
Real belief aka knowledge is based on the unchanging, unwavering constant laws of nature.
Like a measuring tape.
Subjective Methods
language, grammar, culture
interpretations of scientists, experts, savants, gurus, religious leaders, psychologists, philosophers
opinions of role models, family members, friends, colleagues, influencers, etc.
your own opinion, intuition, instinct, gut feeling
Blind belief is based on estimation, wishful thinking,
projection, statistics, relationship dynamics, etc.
But to find the truth objective means are necessary.
Most of our science is based on transcription.
In actual academics all students have to study books, theories, etc., have to transcribe,
and need to prove those sources to be accepted.
If they were wrong centuries ago we still base our knowledge on their interpretation.
The biggest obstacle to learning is previous knowledge... let it go!
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